Return Policy
Return applied if you found any defects on the products you received or if we sent the wrong item (wrong size, model, or color).
Items should be returned new, unused, unwashed and with all garment tags still attached. Returns that are damaged, soiled or altered are not accepted and will be sent back to customer.
Please contact our customer service within 2x24 hours after the order received by giving details of:
- Order number
- Complain details
- SKU number (attached with the hang tag)
Our customer service will guide you the next step.
If we cannot provide the replacement due to out of stock, it is possible to change the products with another model, color, or size, or do the refund.
The refund process will take maximum 14 working days to your bank account. Please contact our customer service for more information.
Please note that items bought at our webstore cannot be refunded or exchanged in our offline store.